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Tuesday, 22 October, 2002, 15:07 GMT 16:07 UK
Lunchtime quake shakes Manchester
Firefighters assessing the minimal damage caused by the quakes
Damage to buildings was said to be minimal
Greater Manchester has been hit by a series of 13 earthquakes and aftershocks, the latest measuring 2.5 on the Richter scale.

The most recent tremor hit the city at about 1326 BST on Tuesday.

It lasted around three seconds and caused buildings to shake.

I felt the roof move and my legs wobbled - it was pretty hair-raising

Alan Birchall, security officer

Julian Bukits, a seismologist from the British Geological Survey (BGS), told BBC News Online: "We are analysing the data to find out the magnitude, but from what witnesses are saying it was a significant event - perhaps as strong as the first one on Monday."

It follows the four tremors which hit the city on Monday, one of which measured 3.9 on the Richter scale.

They were followed by another series which began at about 0440 BST on Tuesday.

Shook buildings

The BGS confirmed a tremor measuring 2.9 on the Richter scale struck at 0439 BST on Tuesday and the second 15 minutes later measured 2.0.

Out of the latest shocks six were too small to register, the BGS confirmed.

The first earthquake, measuring 3.2 on the Richter scale, shook the area at 0845 BST on Monday.

Four hours later it was followed by an earthquake 11 times more powerful which shook buildings across the city.

A Richter scale read-out of the first quakes in Greater Manchester
Up to 13 tremors have struck the area
There were then powerful aftershocks.

The BGS said the lunchtime earthquake measured 3.9 on the Richter scale.

Hundreds of people called the emergency services and other authorities.


The BGS said there was heightened interest in earthquakes following the Dudley tremor last month.

That was a much more powerful 4.8 on the Richter scale.

"That's what makes the experiences in Manchester different. It's not one big bang.

"It makes it interesting, distinctive and unusual."

He said such tremors were quite common in the UK and there was no evidence they were getting worse.


Witnesses in Manchester city centre, said buildings shook during the tremors.

Legal secretary Lyndsey Fellows, 27, who works in the Royal Exchange in St Ann's Square, said she was at her desk when she felt the earthquake.

"The computer screen just started shaking and you could feel the floor moving," she said.

"I thought it was a car crashing outside."

Alan Birchall, senior security officer at the Royal Exchange, said he feared a bomb had gone off.

"I was on the roof carrying out an inspection and heard a bang," he said.

"I felt the roof move and my legs wobbled.

"It was pretty hair-raising. I thought it was a bomb, a plane crashing or an earthquake."

Were you in Manchester? Did you experience the earthquake? Send us your story.

The BBC's Catherine Marston in Manchester
"Experts say it's extremely rare for two earthquakes to hit the same place on the same day"
The British Geological Survey's Julian Bukits
"Overnight we have had at least eight aftershocks"

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22 Oct 02 | Talking Point
22 Oct 02 | England
15 Oct 02 | England
23 Sep 02 | England
23 Sep 02 | UK
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