Welcome to GarySevenUK.com -- online since 1999 and coming to you from Great Britain

  Daily Gallery 2003

Years: 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000/1999

Website 4th birthday

December 2003

25  24  23  22  21  14  10  05  03

Christmas countdown

November 2003

26  24  21  20  18  17  16

Putting up a fence

October 2003

30  06  02

Off to the country

September 2003

28  27  12

Europride / fun with video

August 2003

30  23  20  19  18  17

I love my balcony

July 2003

12  05  03

Bad hayfever this year!

June 2003

19  15  13  12  10  04  03  02  01

Broadband at last

May 2003

29  28  27  26  21  20  18  17  14  10  09  06

Hot weather - need a fan

April 2003

21  19  18  17  16  15  14  11  06  05

Spring has sprung

March 2003

30  26  23  20  16  14  13  06

Manchester and a new PC

February 2003

25  16  14  03  02  01

It's snowing

January 2003

23  05  03
Years: 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000/1999
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